4 min read
Getting Started

Today marks the beginning of my blogging journey, and I’m excited to share my first steps with you. For my portfolio and blog, I am using the Astro Nano theme, which provides a minimalistic and efficient framework to showcase my work and write posts.

The basic configuration of my new blog is quite straightforward.

Customizing the Base Site

First, I edited the src/consts.ts file to set up the basic information:

// src/consts.ts

export const SITE: Site = {
  NAME: "My Awesome Blog",
  EMAIL: "myemail@example.com",

Here’s a breakdown of what each field means:

NAMEYesDisplayed in the header and footer. Used in SEO and RSS.
EMAILYesDisplayed in the contact section.
NUM_POSTS_ON_HOMEPAGEYesLimits the number of posts on the home page.
NUM_WORKS_ON_HOMEPAGEYesLimits the number of works on the home page.
NUM_PROJECTS_ON_HOMEPAGEYesLimits the number of projects on the home page.

Setting Up Page Metadata

Next, I customized the metadata for my homepage:

// src/consts.ts

export const HOME: Metadata = {
  TITLE: "Home",
  DESCRIPTION: "Welcome to my awesome blog, where I share my thoughts and projects.",

This metadata helps with SEO and ensures that my page has a meaningful title and description.

TITLEYesDisplayed in the browser tab. Used in SEO and RSS.

I also added my social media profiles to the contact section:

// src/consts.ts

export const SOCIALS: Socials = [
    NAME: "twitter",
    HREF: "https://twitter.com/myprofile",
    NAME: "github",
    HREF: "https://github.com/myprofile"
    NAME: "linkedin",
    HREF: "https://www.linkedin.com/in/myprofile",

Each social media link includes:

NAMEYesDisplayed in the contact section as a link.
HREFYesExternal URL to the social media profile.

Blog Collection

The blog collection is located in src/content/blog.

Working with the blog collection:

πŸ“ /src/content/blog
└── πŸ“ post-1
      └── πŸ“„ index.md
└── πŸ“ post-2
      └── πŸ“„ index.mdx

In the above example, two static pages will be generated, based on the existence of a classic markdown .md file or a JSX compatible markdown .mdx file. The folder name represents the slug:

  • https://example.com/blog/post-1
  • https://example.com/blog/post-2

All content must be preceded by required metadata in the markdown file in yaml format, and be enclosed by triple dashes. ---

title: "My cool new title"
description: "A description of my content."
date: "Mar 22 2024"
draft: false

Metadata fields:

titleYesstringTitle of the content. Used in SEO and RSS.
descriptionYesstringDescription of the content. Used in SEO and RSS.
dateYesstringMust be a valid date string (able to be parsed).
draftNo*booleanIf draft: true, content will not be published.

All that’s left to do is write your content under the metadata.

title: "My cool new title"
description: "A description of my content."
date: "Mar 22 2024"
draft: false

### Woot

This is a paragraph.

πŸŽ‰ Congrats, you are now a blogger.

This setup forms the foundation of my blog. Stay tuned for more updates as I continue to build and share my experiences here. Happy blogging!